Scientific Thinking

Adjustment to changing circumstances, often driven by developing new customer (external and internal) needs is inevitable. Those who adapt most efficiently have the greatest chance of sustained prosperity. Moving through the unknown via scientific thinking is a proven means of achieving goals.

The problem is this necessary ‘learn by trying things’ approach, although we start with it as children, tends to be lost as we become adults and then grow older. Our biases take over, we tend to naturally get worse at scientific thinking, not better! Alongside, such ‘learn by trying things’ does need to be efficient, we can’t afford it being random.

We will help you develop your scientific thinking capability via the two routines identified by Mike Rother in answer to his second research question that being ‘How can other companies develop similar routines and thinking in their organizations?’ (His first research question was ‘What are the unseen managerial routines and thinking that lie behind Toyota’s success with continuous improvement and adaptation?’)

The Scientific Thinking Continuum

Through our global resources and rich history of providing fundamental ‘leader skill development’ in service, healthcare and manufacturing, we provide a continuum for development of base skills for frontline leaders, middle managers and those that support them.

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The Toyota Kata patterns have radically improved the way our managers and supervisors interact with their reports and has helped drive our organisation to be a leader in its’ field. 

Andrew Francis
Chief Operating Officer, Parkes Shire Council