Purpose and Emphasis of Each Session
Session | Objective | Emphasis |
1 | Make sure that it is clear that supervisors are responsible for manufacturing good quality products at the required cost. Introduce the 4-step method to get workers to quickly remember how to do each job correctly, safely and conscientiously. | Supervisors are responsible for training the workers in their own departments. Telling alone or showing alone is not a good instruction method. There is a sure and dependable method that works every time if it is applied. |
2 | Through demonstration of a job by a participant and its observation by others, emphasise that ‘Job Instruction Breakdowns’ are always needed as a basis for good instruction. Explain how to make a breakdown and have the participants practice it. | Job Instruction Breakdowns are effective for dividing the job into steps and emphasizing the key points. Supervisors must prepare tools and materials and organise the work site when instructing. |
3 | Explain and illustrate how to make a training timetable. Two participants do their practice demonstration instruction. All compare their methods to the one on the card; all participants practice how to apply the 4-step method and the ‘How to Get Ready’ points. | The basis of good instruction is to make a training timetable and Job Instruction Breakdowns. When having the learner try out the job, we need to make sure that he/she has completely learned it. |
4 | Have trainees examine their department’s training timetable. Four participants do their practice demonstration instruction and practice the 4-step method and the ‘How to Get Ready’ points. Emphasise special instruction methods: time consuming operations (complex work), a noisy worksite, or how to convey a point of feel or knack. | Through the training timetable, we can systematically make a training plan. High calibre instruction is always required in order to do a precision job or to work under difficult conditions. |
5 | Three participants do their practice demonstration instruction and practice the 4-step method and the ‘How to Get Ready’ points. Emphasise that high production is the fruit of good instruction. | Skill in instructing is one of the most important tools supervisors must have. Supervisors also have to make constant efforts to maintain a good working environment in which workers can easily do their jobs with confidence. This kind of skill is useful for supervisors to prevent production problems from arising from ‘don’t know/can’t do’ and to solve them if they do arise |