Purpose and Emphasis of Each Session
Session | Objective | Emphasis |
1 | Make sure that it is clear that supervisors are responsible for making the best use of their people, machines, and materials currently available. Introduce the JM 4-step plan for leading improvement through practical illustration of a sample job. | Supervisors are responsible for managing the resources in their own departments. JM utilises the source of the best ideas for improvement – the participants in this class and their people. |
2 | Make sure that each participant understands each and every part of the 4-step JM plan. Convince every participant that the principles of Job Methods Improvement apply to any job that has material handling, machine work or hand work, whether repetitive or not. Through demonstration of the JM 4-step plan by a participant and its observation by others, emphasise the importance of ‘details’ as opposed to just ‘steps’. | Random improvement will not achieve the above. What is needed is a method containing logical analysis, thorough questioning and incremental improvement. The 4-step Job Methods plan in detail: · Difference between ‘step’ and ‘detail’. · The importance of step 1 in setting a foundation for maximising improvement. |
3 | Through revision of the 4-steps, make sure that each participant understands each and every part of the four-step JM plan. Three participants do their practice demonstration of the 4-step JM Plan with input from the other participants. | The 4-step JM plan can be applied to any job that has material handling, machine work or hand work, whether repetitive or not. Clarification of the four steps, and the sub steps within each. When applied in full and without compromise, best use of people, machines, and materials will occur. Importance of accuracy in step 1 when capturing every detail. |
4 | Four participants do their practice demonstration of the 4-step JM Plan with input from the other participants. Emphasise the importance of step 3 and its dependency on step 2 (and in turn step 2’s dependency on step 1). | The four stages of developing the new method must be applied in order. |
5 | Two participants do their practice demonstration of the 4-step JM Plan with input from the other participants. Emphasise the importance of step 4. Revision of the 4-steps, make sure that each participant understands each and every part of the 4-step JM plan. | Proposals must be interesting to management (address key performance measures) and must be sold to workers. |