Live, New and Upcoming Information from Visual Workplace Australasia.
August 21, 2023
Engagement – who holds the power?
Where does the primary obligation to be engaged lie? With the staff member, or with those who have the opportunity to create an ‘engaging environment’? We feel it’s the latter. Quite simply, staff won’t be inclined to engage in a non-engaging space! Therefore fundamentally it’s not ‘up to them’, it’s up to us. The staff will determine their level of engagement! So what can we do?
August 3, 2023
I (Ben) feel that sometimes we get so busy ‘doing’ we go into auto pilot and, as a result, often miss the true intent or value. We start to become transactional!
July 22, 2023
‘Making-do’ as a waste refers to a situation where a task is started without all its required inputs, or we choose to continue to do a task when a required input ceases to be available.
July 7, 2023
I was working with a client recently and a comment then a following ‘NON’ action really got me thinking.
June 26, 2023
Since April 20 we have published a series of articles focussed on questions a manager can ask their frontline leaders to gauge the chances of sustaining consistent desired results. Within there is an implicit skill that needs to be made explicit – the handling of problems.
June 12, 2023
Where are we in this series? Our frontline leaders can easily and consistently identify any difference between WHAT SHOULD BE HAPPENING and WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING; they are applying a robust training system thus addressing ‘don’t know, can’t do’; they have habits and a skill to address ‘does know, can do, but isn’t doing’.
May 29, 2023
Where are we in this series? Our frontline leaders can easily and consistently identify any difference between WHAT SHOULD BE HAPPENING and WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING, and they are applying a robust training system thus addressing ‘don’t know, can’t do’. So, what’s next and necessary for system stability?
May 16, 2023
You’re a frontline manager leading a ‘people-based system’ producing a product or service and your front line leaders can easily and consistently identify any difference between WHAT SHOULD BE HAPPENING and WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. What’s next and necessary for system stability?
May 1, 2023
You’re a frontline manager leading a ‘people-based system’ producing a product or service. Daily you ‘walk the floor’ building strength in the system through understanding then responding to answers to 4 questions posed to your frontline leaders.
April 17, 2023
A frontline manager can be viewed as a person leading a (production or service) system where their primary asset is their people, in particular their frontline leaders, through whom the manager will get their operational results.
April 3, 2023
Would you do something that makes you feel uncomfortable if it benefits the objective, the group and production?
March 16, 2023
Richard De Crespigny, captain of A380 Qantas Flight 32 that blew an engine out of Singapore in 2010, speaks of the value to him of having his slow mind ‘available’ such that he could problem solve scenarios that had never before been experienced in simulated or real flight.
February 28, 2023
When we add humans to a process and make a change that impacts habits and behaviours, often the changes made don’t have the desired effect. So how do we know if the change has ‘worked’?
February 6, 2023
During session four of Job Relations (JR) on Wednesday last week a site leader said to me “sometimes it doesn’t work”.
January 19, 2023
What is the compounding consequence of an aging workforce, rising demand and a tight labour market? Right now, we are at a crossroad in people development!
November 29, 2022
I’ve not yet seen positive relationships in any workplace where TRUST hasn’t been close to or at the core. So the question must come, assuming positive relationships are desired, how can we build trust? Or more interestingly perhaps, what part did trust play in the story of QF32?